Selasa, 10 September 2013

Pidato Bahasa Inggris "Bagaimana memperlakukan/menjaga bumi" (How to treat the earth)

The honourable a chairman
The honourable adjudicators
The honourable timekeeper
The honourable audience, and all my beloved friends
thank you very much to give me time so I can stand up here in front all of you to deliver a speech, but before going to my speech, I want to introduce my self
My name is ...................., I study at .................... in ............ city.
Ladies and gentlemen,
On this happy morning, let us reflect and pray together for a moment, hopefully we are up this morning still blessed with happines by God the Almighty, and I would like to praise Muhammad, the final prophet and messenger of God, for his guidance, his teaching and leading us to find a way to the truth, May the blessing and mercy of God  be upon him.
Well, today, let me stand here to deliever a speech about


In accordance with the theme, here I would like to ask you to maintain the beauty of our earth, many of us including myself forget also that the nature of human life on earth and the earth is obliged to maintain in order to remain beautiful and can be made in the world with a safe haven and comfortable, as well as in Indonesia at this time, the Earth is quiet and friendly with humans before, now became hostile due to reckless human behavior itself, for example the people who cut down trees by not doing selective logging, throw away the rubbish at any places, causing flood, landslide even the forest fire , then use the vehicles that cause air pollution and many more.
Currently very complicated messy describes the earth as the development of the times with technology increasingly advanced, even every second, we can get something that is required to just run and control as well as the guard, as well as the earth, where do we stand on it, would be maintained and controlled its use so as not to give rise to something that makes the earth a restless, it is also to consider the Earth as humans, it can be upset at any time and with the permission of God will happen something if we are not able to keep the earth properly.
sure we all know  that good and bad for this beloved earth.
Before issuing the earth to be creepy and anger, let us all keep our beloved earth by way of each good, let us together to preserve green earth and the rich as well as maintain its beauty in order not to perish in meal times.
I really hope this speech can evocative of you to always keep natural that we use together.
May Allah have mercy on us, let us watch and care of this earth as well as possible.
 I’m Sorry if there is mistakes in my speech,
And Thankyou very much for your attention.

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Poetry Dream in Black Shadows

Like hard music I hear in my ear headset.
I hope the dream is always in the shadows, because it has not materialized
Soon colorful with reality.
In life there are always tears dripping, even in a small state
just do not hear anyone else.
Can go all the mistakes and regrets in life that I went through, 
 I would have been able to release all of it by sharing laughter.
In any event, the crowd and whatever the situation, 
I always hope all of that, and life is only a dream and never happened.

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013


Through the day of the notice appears on

I accidentally let the glued

To be able to look in the eyes does not mean

Time ticking appropriate rolling clanking hooves drove

Gaze ahead tomorrow

Can appear on the iron roof

Still looking for the right one and remains

Can not stop the hungry wolf stares

All painful, lonely dusty end of the bridge is

Contemptible man collapsed in grief

The wolves howled, staring at a fixed gaze, and ahead of tomorrow

Cried lamenting graceful rippling pool of water.

That bathes the body of two wolves

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

entri judul : curhatan kayaknya bukan soalnya setengah2, jadi gw kasih judul cerita zaki, , Gaje....

Saya percaya keajaiban mimpi, makanya gua berani mimpi, semoga aja mimpi2 gw tercapai ya Allah, saaya ini bukan orang kaya ataupun jenius, saya ini anak yang bisa dibilang aneh terkadang,, saya yakin  tapi, kalo mimpi itu bakalan tercapai, toh itu juga bukan sesuatu yang mustahil, dan masih mungkin bisa diwujudin, NEVER SAY NEVER.
rasanya kalo inget mimpi itu bakalan tercapai seneng banget pastinya, dulu’ mimpi banget bisa punya laptop sendiri dan bisa masuk TKJ di Smk negeri, Alhamdulillah mimpi itu tercapai sekarang, tapi kadang kalo udah kesampaian mimpi itu nyusahin buat gua,   ………??????????!!!!! entah kenapa
Tapi masih banyak mimpi yang perlu diwuujudkan, nulis mimpi gw di blog semoga bisa jadi motivasi biar gw punya dorongan buat kedepannya.
Amminn, gw punya mimpi ketemu idola gw, bisa jadi kakak yang baik buat 3 adek gw, pingin nyekolahin mereka di sekolah yang baik dan mereka juga jadi baikkk,  J memang itu agak ketinggian, gw juga pingin bisa bawa umiabi Naik haji dan meninggal pas perang di jalan Allah (jihad maksudnya , bbisa dalam berbagai wujud),,, pingin ngerubah gw yang suka banget terlambat, yang malahan jadi hobi, setiap hari, . sebenernya gw juga gak mau kali telat, tapi keadaannya gak memungkinkan,,, pingin cerita , tapi besok adja deh, kalok gw udah lulus , mungkin aja ada temen gw yang baca blog ini :p ,, :3 …
jadi shy , dehh
Gw juga bener2 pingin ngerubah diri gw sendiri , tapi memang susah buat semua itu terjadi, nggak tauk harus mulai darimana, yang jelas gw pingin berubah jadi lebih baikkk,
pingin jadi anak berbakti, yang selalu disayang,
gw pingin cerita, waktu itu gw sengaja ngerusakin bunga yang bapak gw tanem, tapi dirusak sama gw, soalnya waktu itu gw lagi kesel, dan yang ada didepan gw cuman itu bunga, gw robek2 itu bunga, pas diliat bapak gw, langsung,, plak……… ewww,, dipukul sakit, bapak gw mukul2in gw gak ada ampuunn, sampe akhirnya emak gw nengahin…… tapi emang itu kesalahan gw, tapi bingung kadang, gw ngebuat blog dan ngeblog cerita ini merupakan aib atau bukan, aib gak boleh disebarin bukan…. gak tau deh yang pasti gw , tapi siapa tauk besok gw mati, mak bapak gw bisa liat blog yang gw buat,, siapa tauk bisa bangga walaupun belon ngewujudin cita2 gw, seenggaknya pernah bermimpi dan pnya cita2,
dalam idup gw, yang paling gw saying itu UMI, emak gw, dia itu selalu ngerti walau kadang gak ngerti, yang gw selalu inget, waktu ujan2 gw minta beliin pianika pas sd ntah kelas berapa, soalnya gw liat temen2 gw yang pada bawa pianika ke sekolah, gw juga jadi kepingin , dan ngerengek aama mak gw, minta belliin pianika, akhirnya karena mungkin kasian aama gw, dia ambil sepeda, gw diangkat naik ke sepeda, dan kita pergi kepasar bareng2 , pas pulang ujan, akhirnya ngiup di warung kosong, sampe sore, gw itu takut petir,,, jadi gw merem aja sepanjang berdiri nunggu ujan berenti di warung yang kosong itu… finally, sampe rumah dan dapet pianika, sekarang tuh pianika, udah rusak 1 do nya gak bisa bunyi lagi, padahal gw duluk minta nya setengah mau orang ngelahirin, bukan setntengah orang mati tapi gw,,,,,,,,,,,,
hmm……… besok gw lanjutin lagi deh, semoga aja, kapan2 gw bisa jadi kaya andrea hirata…. ssstttttttttrrrrrrrrnnnnn………… zzzzzzZZZZZzzzz Mimpi banget gw niih…….
sekarang jam 9:11 malem ……… udah lumayan ngantuk, cuman yang gantiin gw jaga siapa,,,    
Jagaaa apa??????? yang pasti bukan jagain blog ataupun fb or twitter atau jaga lilin n jaga pos ronda atau gardu dll, dehhhh ………….


Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Contoh sub-sub membuat laporan

Sub-sub/judul dalam pembuatan laporan yang biasanya dikerjakan siswa/i SMK

Judul Laporan/Cover

Halaman Pengesahan

Kata Pengantar

Daftar Isi

Daftar Gambar

Daftar Tabel


Bab I Pendahuluan

Bab II Landasan Teori

Bab III Metodologi

Bab IV Laporan

Bab V Penutup

Daftar Pustaka

Lembar Konsultasi

Adek kecil ku Salma az-zahra dan Ilma zahidah